> Hi,
> I have 2 jars that get installed to the repository for the same
> artifact. One is the application jar, and the other is, say sources
> jar. 
> The repository looks something like this: GroupId -> ArtifactId ->
> app-1.0.jar and app-1.0-sources.jar
> When I include both of them in the pom file as dependencies (using
> classifier for sources), both of them get downloaded to my local .m2
> (provided the jars are versioned)
> If the jars are snapshots, then the numbering system is making the
> jars installed in the repository as app-629.jar and
> app-sources-630.jar (numbers are just an example)
> And when I give 0-SNAPSHOT in my dependendencies, only the jar with
> the higher number gets downloaded. 
> I want to download both the jars in cases of versions or snapshots. Am
> I doing something wrong with the way I am installing them, or should I
> do something else while downloading ? 
> Thanks,
> Niraj

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