I've looked through the examples for this and it seems simple enough. 
However, I'd really like to have my classpath as a series of path elements 
for the sake of legibility and future maintnance, i.e.


instead of 

        <classpath>path1 path2 path3</classpath>

It may not seem like much in the simple example given here, but here's a 
class path from one of our production jars:

Class-Path: plugins/framework plugins/checkservices plugins/transferse
 rvices plugins/alerts plugins/pr plugins/pr/achapps plugins/pr/wireap
 ps wcmPrincipals-hotfix.jar wcmPrincipals.jar securityUtil-hotfix.jar
  securityUtil.jar wcmCache-hotfix.jar wcmCache.jar  lib/apache/jakart
 a-commons/commons-cli-1.0.jar lib/apache/jakarta-commons/commons-coll
 ections-3.1.jar lib/apache/jakarta-commons/commons-dbcp-1.2.1.jar lib
 /apache/jakarta-commons/commons-lang-2.1.jar lib/apache/jakarta-commo
 ns/commons-pool-1.2.jar lib/apache/jakarta-commons/commons-logging-1.
 0.4/commons-logging.jar lib/apache/JCS/jcs- lib/oswego.edu
 /util-concurrent-1.3.4.jar lib/jradius/jradius.jar lib/jradius/jradiu
 s-dictionary.jar lib/gnu/gnu-crypto.jar lib/httpclient/commons-codec-
 1.3.jar lib/httpclient/commons-httpclient-3.0.jar lib/emory.edu/backp
 ort-util-concurrent-2.2/backport-util-concurrent.jar lib/oracle/jdbc- lib/oracle/jdbc-
 0.1mrel-ri/rowset.jar lib/jdom/jdom-1.0/jdom.jar lib/rsa/authapi.jar 

So I'm sure you can see why I'd like the former approach. Any ideas would 
be welcome.

Robert Egan

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