
Jan Torben Heuer schrieb:
> Wayne Fay wrote:
>> I'm not sure that I understand you entirely, but here goes.... If you
>> have shared test files, you will need to create a "test-jar" artifact
>> and add it as a dependency to any projects that need to use it.
>> This is documented in a mini-guide:
>> http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-attached-tests.html
> Why can't I reference test-classes in other modules?
> I have a project with two modules. module1 dependsOn module2:
> <project>
>         <module1>
>         <module2>
> I can reference m2's classes from m1, but NOT m2's testclasses. That is what
> I do not understand.

They are simply not part of the artifact maven creates for module2. The
artifact maven creates contains just the production code (classes and
resources from 'src/main/*') as no one seriously wants to have their
unit tests packaged alongsite the final deliverable of the project.

If you have shared testing code between two projects, just create a
third module containig this shared code and declare it as a dependency
in the two other modules with <scope>test</scope> or follow the guide
Wanyne pointed you to and create a "test-jar" of the testing code in
module2 and reference that with test scope.

> Jan


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