You can't.

You can only see if a single projects runs with the latestest installed 
version of another project. This means that you either have to change the 
command you run in ci to 'clean install' or live with the fact that updates 
are only deployed at night.

Is it a problem tyo run 'install' on your ci-server? It only installs to 
local-repo, not to a deployment-server...

Then, there is still the matter of build-order. If both those projects are 
related (like you said), you'd have to make sure that Project B is tested and 
installed BEFORE Project A. You can either do this manually, or create a 
small build-project that handles it for you (as I said, description in the 
other thread).

On Friday 09 November 2007 13:11, Hugo Palma wrote:
> It's actually not about IDE integration. It's about continous integration.
> I have my ci server run the goal "clean cobertura:check" every hour.
> This allows me to know within the hour if anyone committed any code that
> fails the tests. I only want to generate an artifact for my project once
> a day, at night usually.
> Problem is, if something changes in project B during the day, project A
> won't see the changes because i don't install project B every hour, and
> i don't want to. I just run "clean cobertura:check" like in every project.
> So, this means that project A will during the day will always be
> compiling with the installed artifact of B from the night before. Which
> again, isn't what i'd like.
> How do you solve this without having to install every project every hour ?
> Roland Asmann wrote:
> > I presume you have this use-case in your IDE, since Maven will NEVER use
> > the source-code of another project and always refers to the packaged
> > version in your repository.
> >
> > What you need is a 'build-project', which contains both projects as
> > modules. Then Maven will recognize they need eachother and build them in
> > the correct order. If you use the eclipse-plugin (not sure about other
> > IDEs, I've only used eclipse so far), the projects will get source-code
> > references to eachother in eclipse.
> >
> > Look at this thread, were I already discussed this:
> >
> >3649552
> >
> > On Friday 09 November 2007 12:34, Hugo Palma wrote:
> >> I have a use case where i am developing two projects, and project A
> >> depends on project B.
> >>
> >> What i want to do is a mvn clean compile under project A directory and
> >> it will also compile project B and use it's classes as a dependency.
> >> Sounds simple enough but i can't seem to be able to get this use case
> >> working.
> >>
> >> The problem is that if i declare the dependency to project B in the
> >> project A pom maven will always look for the installed artifact of B,
> >> which isn't what i want because i don't want to have to install B every
> >> time i try to compile A.
> >>
> >> So i guess what i'm looking for is a way to declare that project A
> >> depends on project B current source code and not it's installed
> >> artifact.
> >>
> >> Am i making any sense ?
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance.
> >>
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Roland Asmann

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