You are right, the http is correct actually. Another guess: replace the IP name by a DNS name? But you will have to tell us more details about the problem, just saying it doesn't work doesn't leave me a lot of clues...


Try removing the http:

Yeah, I tried that - then Maven even complains that the protocol is missing 
(plus it doesn't work either)


Only using a local repository isn't an option either - we are a big developer team, 
distributed over various locations, and there will always be someone forgetting to upload 
a file to our local repo, plus the proxy isn't required by everyone - those who don't 
need it don't care and say "it's on the web, just make Maven get it there..."

And would you share how you made the tomcat plugin work? Maybe other users could still profit from it. :)

Well, I am ashamed, that's why I didn't want to in the first place.
Well, well, well ;-). It would have worked, if I had also changed the tomcat 
dependencies to Version 5.5.12 instead of ONLY replacing my running Tomcat.


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