On Today at 3:30pm, DD=>Donnchadh Ó Donnabháin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DD>   Hi Dan,
DD> When I switch from surefire 2.4 to 2.4.1 I get the error below. 
DD> /tmp/surefirebooter22682.jar doesn't seem to even exist. Any idea what 
DD> might be causing this?

Not knowing much about surefirebooter, I can at least tell you 
(paraphrasing here) that the /tmp/surefirebooter*.jar files are created at 
runtime and then deleted when the test is over. If you run with mvn -X, 
the /tmp/surefirebooter*.jar will be left in tact to aid in the debugging 

For me when the error about "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute 
from /tmp/surefirebooter???.jar" appeared, I re-ran the tests with mvn -X 
and then opened up the /tmp/surefirebooter???.jar file. It is a .jar file 
with only one entry META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. Inside the MANIFEST.MF there are 
2 entries. Class-Path and Main-Class. Sure enough, the file was in tact, 
yet surefirebooter would say it can't find the Main-Class. You can even 
try the actual "java -jar /tmp/surebooter???.jar ....." command and it 
still failed.

Looking a little bit more, I was able to extract the MANIFEST.MF file and 
change its format from "dos" to "unix" in vim and repackaged it back into 
a jar and sure enough the "java -jar /tmp/surefirebooter???.jar ....." 
command was able to run.

This is as far as I've gotten so far.

Two other data points:

1) Problems are fixed when dropping jdk to 1.5.0_14
2) Problem only appears running inside cruisecontrol (not on the command 

I would be tempted to file a jira but my project is pretty big and I'm 
finding it absolutely difficult to localize the issue so that I can 
present a minimal test case.

So, with the information that I have provided to you so far, hopefully you 
can provide a minimal test case :-) (or at least, I can wish).

Haroon Rafique
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