
I'm having trouble with a multi module project that I m working on.

I need a class path inside the manifest of the built jar (plugin maven jar and 
configuration <addClasspath>true</addClasspath> in my parent pom defined in 

The classpath is perfectly formatted when I'm running the project from the 
parent pom, but when I'm running maven from one of the module the class path is 
not well formatted: it add a version tag at the end of the name of the library 
the module depends on.


A module toto(packaging : jar, version : 0.1) dependending on an other module 
test (packaging : jar, version : 0.1) both are called by the pom parent 
(packaging : pom, version : 0.1) using <modules> and both are inheriting from 
him (<parent><artifactId>parent</artifactId>[...]</parent>)
The parent pom look likes :


The module toto contains :

When I m packaging from the parent pom the classpath inside of the manifest of 
toto.jar looks like :
Class-Path: test.jar

When I'm packaging from toto the classpath inside the manifest of toto.jar 
looks like :
Class-Path: test-0.1.jar

Is there anywhere to format the name of the libraries inside the class-path. I 
know we can alter the directory where to find the library (with 
<classpathPrefix>) but the name I can't find any information?

Thanks for your time.


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