Have a look at the build-classpath goal of the dependency plugin:


On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 11:23 -0700, vicki wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a maven's subproject that runs tests against the artifacts of its
> piers subprojects. Obviously, In other words, to run my tests I need to
> create dependencies on the artifacts produced by the other subprojects. I
> run my tests with maven's "exec" plugin. All the artifacts packaged as jars
> are indeed on my classpath when I run maven exec. But dependencies on the
> artifacts packaged as wars are not resolved in such a way that classes
> directory inside these wars are put on the classpath. I do not want to
> explicitly specify a classpath in the configuration of maven exec plugin.
> Instead I'd like to have a classpath that is build with project's
> dependencies.  Can anyone advise a good way of doing this?
> Thanks a lot.
> Vicki

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