On Wed, 14 May 2008 11:18:54 Wendy Smoak wrote:
> On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:23 AM, vicki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I have a maven's subproject that runs tests against the artifacts of its
> >  piers subprojects. Obviously, In other words, to run my tests I need to
> >  create dependencies on the artifacts produced by the other subprojects.
> > I run my tests with maven's "exec" plugin. All the artifacts packaged as
> > jars are indeed on my classpath when I run maven exec. But dependencies
> > on the artifacts packaged as wars are not resolved in such a way that
> > classes directory inside these wars are put on the classpath.
> Java simply has no concept of putting a war file on the classpath.  If
> you have code in a war module that you need to use elsewhere, the best
> idea is to move the code to a separate module that builds a jar.  That
> jar then becomes a dependency of your war module plus any other module
> that needs it.
> If you absolutely can't move the code, the next version of the war
> plugin will have the ability to deploy a classified/attached artifact
> containing the code from a war module.

1) you can make the packaging type of the project jar 
2) add a config for the war plugin to execute war... 
3) this gives you a jar and a war
4) you can then depend upon the jar (default) artifact to get the deps of this 
project and if you need to
5) to use this war as an underlay you can depend on the project with 
classifier 'application'

Michael McCallum
Enterprise Engineer

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