
On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Charlier, Etienne
> Hello,
> I'm busy right now trying to implement Option 3. based on jambi 4.4
> preview (they now distribute platform specific jars containing the
> native code)
> - I wrote a shell script that
>  - downloads the jambi jar ( linux 32, linux 64, win 32 for now)
>  - unpack them
>  - deploy the java jar to my local nexus repository ( using fake groupid
> ech.trolltech)
>     groupId = ech.trolltech
>     artifactId = qtjambi
>     version = 4.4.0_01
>  - deploy the natives jar with
>     groupId = ech.trolltech
>     artifactId = qtjambi-native
>     classifier = linux32-gcc | linux64-gcc | win32-msvc2005
>     version = 4.4.0_01
>  - I also created a qtjambi-deps pom project having depedencies
>   - qt-jambi
>   - qt-jambi-natives
>   I used profiles activated using the <os> </os> stance to compute the
> actual classifier based on the running platform...
> Now, creating a project depending on qt-jambi-deps should bring in the
> correct native jar
Actually you're not using option 3 :).
 You're importing all your native libraries into the project (which
for linux32 is 37mb). Although I didn't try it yet, You should be able
to import only some of them If you don't reference them in your code.
I just don't want the size of the small utility I'm writing to be 40mb
because of unneeded libraries.

In option 3 I've meant to install each library on it's own as a
libXXX.so file (which is probably impossible).

Thanks for your answer anyway. I'll probably use your idea of a script
to install a jar with all native libs locally and then hand-pick them
in the packaging stage (option 4).


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