On Thu, 03 Jul 2008 19:30:58 Jörg Schaible wrote:
> > 12) set up parents that define plugins for particular types
> > of projects i.e.
> > webapps, jars, parents,
> We setup the common settings in the pluginMgmnt of the global POM ... and
> lock down the plugin versions.
 not quite what i was getting at, my point was that plugin configurations tend 
to be common across function not group 

a common anti pattern in poms is to have

-> group.pom
 -> model
 -> service
 -> war


now repeat that pattern for 9 deliverables and you get "Duplicated Code"

the plugin configuration either goes into company.pom "Large Class" or you 
have to refactor the inheritance  to work by function

-> jar.parent
-> model.parent

  model :: model.parent
  service :: service.parent
You wil note things like this... cobertura branch/coverage constraints are 
different for services and models. 

The overhead of putting things in the company pom is that you need to change 
all the projects to the new version OR you can use snapshots and make it a 
major overhead to start a release cycle

Michael McCallum
Enterprise Engineer

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