On Fri, 04 Jul 2008 10:08:44 Peter Horlock wrote:
> As I asked you before -
> when using version ranges, how can you ensure an upcoming 2.4 dependency
> will not break your build that was working with 2.3 ?!
there are a few ways.... but mostly its development process

0) communication
0) planning
1) run an CI server that runs cycles of every trunk and against every trunk
2) use the reactor to run all the tests before you release 2.4
3) make when the distance between projects is not too large you should 
problably be using refactoring tools to make changes that break apis and it 
will apply to the depedent project too
4) use a staging repository for CI before promotion to the release repository

There is another factor to consider though... "breaking" is only significant 
if its difficult to fix... with version ranges it is easy to remove the bad 
version from the resolution tree for all projects that may be affected and 
then beer fine those responsible ;-)

there will never be a tool that stops developers making mistakes, there are 
tools to help developers mitigate the cost of those mistakes, thank you 

Michael McCallum
Enterprise Engineer

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