Thanks for the info!!

So I guess I have an odd-ball case with my artifacts..
Here is the full scenario.
I have a project with 2 modules:

`-- project-parent
    |-- pom.xml
    |-- core
    |   `-- pom.xml
    `-- webapp
        `-- pom.xml

 - packaging pom

 - artifact: core:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
 - packaging jar
 - also uses assembly:single to create a
containing various static content..

 - packaging war
 - depends on core:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and

The "webapp" module cannot resolve, unless I mvn
install the "core" module. I take it that .zip format is completely
unsupported? And I take it that only the artifact that's generated by
the pom (not assembly) will resolve?



On Tue, 2008-07-22 at 09:17 +0200, Martin Höller wrote:
> Hi!
> On 21 Jul 2008, Taras Lipatov wrote:
> > Does any one know, 
> > 
> > when releasing a multi-module project from the project parent..
> > 
> > I have two modules: "core" and "webapp"
> > 
> > "core" module is version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
> > "webapp" has a dependency on "core:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
> > 
> > When running release:prepare...
> > "webapp" pom is transformed and dependency "core:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT" is now
> > "core:1.0.0" which is correct sense that's the version of core that's
> > being released.
> > 
> > How ever the "webapp" module complains that it cannot find "core:1.0.0"
> > Even though "core" is declared 1st in the parent pom.
> The problem is very likely not to be with the release plugin but with your
> packaging. Try a "mvn -o package" from your parent directory with an
> empty repository (empty means none of YOUR modules in the local repo). I
> bet it's going to fail.
> What packaging is set in your parent, the core and the webapp? Maven
> should be able to find all three modules when building from the parent.
> If not something's wrong. I had (partly still have) similar problems with
> EARs and skinny WARs.
> > Is there any way to do this in one shot?
> Yes, fix the packaging problem and the release will work.
> hth,
> - martin

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