The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of Wagon 1.0-beta-5.

This release includes 17 fixes. You can take a look at the release
notes here:

    * [WAGON-111] - UNC paths don't work when properly URL encoded.
    * [WAGON-221] - removeCheckoutDirectory throws NPE
* [WAGON-223] - HTTP Wagon getFileList() returns empty list for connected base URL * [WAGON-231] - PathUtils.toRelative() throws SIOOBE if supplied arguments specify the same directory * [WAGON-232] - Lightweight HTTP wagon doesn't reset proxy settings correctly if they were not previously set * [WAGON-237] - keyboard-interactive method is used even when password is supplied * [WAGON-239] - remove password workaround hack in TraditionalKeyboardInteractive * [WAGON-242] - FtpWagon class needs to handle possible null returned from ftpFiles[0].getTimestamp() * [WAGON-243] - wagon-ssh-external does not always detect usage of PSCP (as opposed to SSH)
    * [WAGON-244] - Deploying to WebDAV repository fails in IAE
* [WAGON-245] - Wagon providers throw the wrong exception in getFilelist for resource not found
    * [WAGON-246] - Wagon.getFilelist does not work for WebDav
* [WAGON-248] - wagon-file's FileWagon.resourceExists should check for directory when resouce indicate it is a directory * [WAGON-250] - SftpWagon.getFileList gets String index out of range: 0
    * [WAGON-253] - known_hosts file recreated for each ssh connection.
* [WAGON-254] - wagon-ftp :: error uploading site:: too many open files
    * [WAGON-255] - Upgrade wagon-webdav to use jackrabbit-1.5.0

IMPORTANT NOTE: This release will only work as an extension in Maven 2.1.0-M1 and above.

-The Maven team

Brett Porter

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