I was examining the Example in the Book "Better Builds With Maven" and find that it focuses on a product "Proficio". In our case we have several products and a suite of "modules". Would the following be a reasonable structure for us?

        /pom.xml - super pom - contains site information, etc.?
                        /pom.xml  - to create the foundation jar (common to all 
                        /src .. in all of these
                        /pom.xml - to create the engine jar ( common to all 
products )
                        /pom.xml - to create all pre-processor jars
                                /pom.xml - to create pre-processor1 jar
                                / etc.
                /pom.xml - to create all products and test?
/pom.xml - to create product1 and test? Contains list of child modules it depends upon? /src - not clear there is much here except for resources, data, configurations.

Now, if we want to put our documentation on our site, I could run at the top level to generate the site? Since each product uses different combinations of processors, configurations, etc., do the product poms use the children modules, and the children don't have anything about their parents since they might be different? It's clear that engine's pom has to have foundation pom as a dependency, and so forth in some of
        the others.

Does this make sense? It will take a while and I want to be sure I'm approaching a multi-product maven setup in the correct manner. (I won't try to do this all at once, but rather product1 and get that working 8-)

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