Sorry to get late into this conversation, but I am wondering if there
might be a way to do a gentler migration path.

For example, let's say you modify the current directory structure
bit-by-bit into the standard Maven directory structure, then once you
have setup in a way Maven likes it, convert the build over to Maven.

Of course, the whole thing depends on how standard are your current
projects. Our main project is a mess of enterprise beans, various
frameworks, and an infrastructure that was hacked together into a
mish-mosh of one of the biggest messes you've ever seen. The software
was developed about a decade ago by a bunch of developers who worry
about such things as "planning" or "architecture". To move over to
Maven is almost impossible because it may require massive structural
changes in our project.

However, other projects we had were quite easy. They produced a
standard JAR file or WAR file and the whole process was pretty
straight forward. And, unlike the previous monstrous project I
described, these were actually buildable in Eclipse, so there may be
hope for you.

If I remember, you're talking about a rather small shop of three
developers and about 10 projects.

It may simply be a matter of moving your source to emulate Maven's
structure, then moving resources to where they're suppose to go. Once
that is done, you can generate a POM via the "mvn: archetype:generate"
and put it into your Eclipse project. Once you're able to get your
project to build with Maven, simply remove the jarfiles you have in
your revision control system.

This is a similar path we took with our smaller projects. We moved the
source files around while still doing our Ant builds, then created the
POM. Once we got things working, we simply moved Hudson from using Ant
to Maven, and removed the jarfiles from Subversion. Each project took
a couple of days. No branching or merging.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Steve Cohen <> wrote:
> OK, after extensive discussion in earlier thread about the best way to go
> about Mavenizing Existing Project(s) in my, shall we say, unusual
> environment (see that thread for details, don't want to recapitulate them
> here) I have decided to try to move forward.
> First I have to learn this tool.  I have used maven before, but mainly in
> the way of building from someone else's POM.  Just type maven install or
> some such and bingo, the world is built.
> Now my goal is to have pre-existing non-Maven projects be mavenized.  I am
> prepared to "throw the first one away".  I also want to take this
> opportunity to start from a m2eclipse platform, so I have now installed
> that, even to the point of installing Ganymede because I couldn't get it to
> install in Europa.  Although I know there is benefit to the command line
> tools, I'd like to start from eclipse, understanding that I can take the POM
> I produce and install it with command line tools.
> So my first question is this:
> How do I convert a non-Maven project into a Maven project?
> 1) Is there some way to "change natures"?
> 2) Create a new Maven project, place in SVN, then move stuff to the right
> places?
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David Weintraub

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