Maven Users:

The db-migration-maven-plugin
<>provides support for
managing project database structure changes over time
(a la rails migrations).  Each change is captured as a discrete migration
(implemented in SQL or Groovy).  A history of which migrations have been
applied is stored in the database (table schema_version) and all pending
migrations can be applied using a single goal.  The following goals are
provided by the plugin:

db-migration:newCreate a new, empty migration file (-name=... to include a
name in the filename) db-migration:validateCheck to see if the database is
up-to-date and report pending migrations db-migration:migrateApply all
pending migrations db-migration:createCreate a new, empty database
db-migration:dropDrop the database db-migration:resetDrop the existing
database, create a new one, and apply all pending migrations
The plugin uses sensible defaults for much of its configuration; many
projects can start using the
only the following addition to their pom.xml (MySQL example):



MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MS SQL Server are pretty well supported while HSQL
and H2 support some of the goals (all but drop, create, and reset).
Themigrategoal may work on Oracle, but
create/drop/reset do not and I don't plan on adding support any time soon

The project is hosted on google code:

We've been using this plugin on real projects at Carbon
Five<>(my company) for close to a year and many
other developers are using it as
well.  My goal is to release a 1.0 version in the next few months, after a
wider range of folks have given it a try and any remaining kinks are worked

Give it a try and please feel free to give me your feedback.
Christian Nelson - Carbon Five (

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