This is the first I've ever heard of LiquiBase; according to the archives 
there's only one other email from October 2008 that mentions it.

It seems to me that there ought to be better marketing for maven and its 
plugins; see, for example, the huge list of eclipse plugins that you can get to 
from the eclipse web site.

Geoffrey Wiseman wrote:
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 10:38 PM, Christian Nelson <> wrote:

The db-migration-maven-plugin
<>provides support for
managing project database structure changes over time
(a la rails migrations).  Each change is captured as a discrete migration
(implemented in SQL or Groovy).  A history of which migrations have been
applied is stored in the database (table schema_version) and all pending
migrations can be applied using a single goal.  The following goals are
provided by the plugin:

Care to characterize how this project differs from Liquibase?

  - Geoffrey

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