Thanks to everybody who answered. I answer to everyone together:
- Projects A and B are to be runnable independently and deployable without C. So putting the log config in test resources would not work.
- Putting the log files in a dependent module is possible. But:
- it would render the pom and project management more complex. Currently these projects are not multi-modules, they are very simple, and that solution would involve transforming them to multi-module projects with one module being a whole module for only one stupid configuration file! And then having the project C exclude the right sub-module. But I admit that it is not my main concern (I could accept a complex solution if it was very good in other aspects) ; - it is not very elegant as any project depending on A or B would have to not forget to exclude the sub-module containing the log files (any dependent project would have the same problem as the project C has) ; - it does not solve the question of the log configuration file not being integrated in the jar for easily modification by the end-user after deployment ; - the problem I face is a general problem, as I always use log configuration files in my projects, so I would like to find a good solution once and for all.

- The use of Assembly and Dependency plugins is maybe part of a solution, but I don't see clearly how I can configure all this to do what I would like and avoiding ending up with pom files more complex than needed.

To re-cap, I dream of a solution allowing me the following two possibilities, for any project I create: - a possibility to create and expose (for use by dependent projects) a .jar file NOT containing the log configuration file ; - a possibility to create and deploy (for end-user usage) a .zip file containing the above .jar AND the log configuration file, which is then easy for the end-user to modify ; and some start-up script (portable) or something equivalent to correctly configure the classpath to include the log configuration file and allow the end-user to easily start the application (this is the part I don't see how to do with the FAQ provided at

Although the solutions proposed did not fully satisfy my needs, I have to thank those who responded because it gave me good hints and allowed me to re-think about my problem. Any more advices would be very appreciated because I am a beginner in Maven and I think there must be somehow a simple solution to my needs which I simply overlooked. I am wondering how the others do as this must be a very common problem (everybody use logging framework!).

Also, sorry for my English...

Brian Fox a écrit :
See the 9th bullet point here:

On 4/26/2009 3:17 PM, Olivier Cailloux wrote:
Hello list,

I am new to maven and couldn't find a simple and elegant solution to this (probably) common problem.

I have three projects : A and B are independent projects and C depends on A and B. I use the same logging framework for the three projects (slf4j with logback). In A and B, I have a logback.xml configuration file in src/main/resources to configure logging behavior (A and B do not necessarily have the same configuration). C has also a specific logging configuration file. And, naturally, when I run the project C, logback complains that it found three logback.xml files in the classpath (the ones from A and B and C) when I would like it to find only the one from project C.

I am thus wondering how to avoid this duplication of configuration files (or avoid exposure of the A and B configuration files /for dependent projects/). (Naturally completely "excluding" logback.xml in A and B wouldn't solve my problem as it would also exclude the configuration file when running A or B themselves.)

More generally, is there some tutorial or best-practice about configuring logging for easy deployment and user-tweaking with maven? I would ideally like the end-user to be easily able to modify the logging strategy, while providing him sensible defaults. Probably the logback.xml file should not be embedded in the .jar, but I don't know how to do that (and don't know if this is the best solution!)

Thank you for any pointer.

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