> 1/ A POM is not a programming language, but a project description. It is
> pointless to define the properties section in the top of the file in the
> hope that Maven sees the values first before you use them. You can
> call "mvn help:effective-pom" to see what Maven actually uses for the
> project description in the end.

It could be that I simply don't understand how to do something. We
have a continuous build system, and label each of our builds with a
build number. We like that build number to part of the maven artifact
itself. For example, aim-2.1.2-D-32-bin.tar.gz where 2.1.2-D-32 is our
build number.

However, there is no need to put these builds into our Maven
repository since our continuous build system makes them available and
manages them. Otherwise, I would have to do a constant purge our our
Maven repository since we can do 10 to 20 builds each day.

This is why I have the product's version as a property. I can pass it
into the pom when a build is done. At the same time, I need to allow
developers to run the builds themselves, and not have
aim-${aim.version}-bin.tar.gz as the name of the maven artifact. In
order to avoid this, I put the property inside of the POM. I could put
this anywhere directly under the <project/>, but putting it at top
allows the developers to easily find it when they do want to change
the default (such as when we start work on version 2.1.3).

So, what is the correct way to set my projects in order to be able to
have a default version number, yet allow me to override it on the
command line?

That also doesn't cover my other problem: I am using
net.sf.maven-har:maven-har-plugin which requires me to have my service
file called jboss-service.xml living in the resource's META-INF
directory. Unfortunately, our service file is called

Is it possible to somehow redefine the name of this file in your
pom.xml? If I was writing this code from scratch, I would simply use
the default name. But, I have to make sure that the structure of my
Maven artifact matches the output of our current build artifact.

Where can I at least find documentation on this plugin? I got the
basic POM structure by doing a mvn archetype:generate and requesting a
har project.

David Weintraub

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