I'm trying to do something very simple: my flowfile is a series of keys and
values in json. I'd like to look at the flowfile content and tell me if the
string requiresFile is in there. RouteOnContent seems like just the
processor I need, but I cannot get it to work. Here is what I set in its

content must contain match
1 MB
and I create my own dynamic property
hasFile  requiresFile

I've also tried 'requiresFile', '.*requiresFile.*', .*requiresFile.* -
can't get it to work. Have looked at the documentation, where no examples
are shown at all. I've googled to find out, and noticed that others have
asked. But I never seem to find an answer.

How should I enter the regex pattern to check my flowfile content for this
simple single string in the contents?

Thanks in advance. -Jim

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