Good evening. I have recently migrated my nifi service host server from
local resolution of users and groups to use an LDAP server. I configured
login-identity-providers.xml and I verified my configuration is
known to NiFi by first restarting my nifi service and then attempting a
login to the URL by a user without a cert, forcing it to resolve using
LDAP. This appeared to work.

I then attempted to set my file owner and file group in a PutFile to a user
and a group that are each in the LDAP. The PutFile throws a Warning for
both owner and group:
java.nio.file.attribute.UserPrincipalNotFoundException. The file is still
output by the processor. It appears to default the user and owner to nifi.

A cursory review of the PutFile source shows that PutFile employs
getUserPrincipalLookupService() when it seemingly tries to validate the
user and group.

How can I get this to resolve through the LDAP for the PutFile?

Thanks for any insights.  -Jim

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