Great! Glad you got it working!

Le jeu. 26 sept. 2019 à 14:54, Nicolas Delsaux <> a
écrit :

> Oh well, i've understood my last error : incorrect flow files (with JSOn
> arrays) were stuck in the queue.
> I removed them and ... to my delight, data seems to come in BigQuery !
> Le 26/09/2019 à 14:45, Nicolas Delsaux a écrit :
> I didn't knew that command ... i've edited some confidential values in the
> result, but here it is
> $ bq --project_id={{PROJECT_ID}} --format=prettyjson show -j
> 9e790299-dc77-46f4-8978-476f284fe5b5
> {
>   "configuration": {
>     "jobType": "LOAD",
>     "load": {
>       "createDisposition": "CREATE_IF_NEEDED",
>       "destinationTable": {
>         "datasetId": "Consents",
>         "projectId": "{{PROJECT_ID}}",
>         "tableId": "{{TABLE_ID}}"
>       },
>       "ignoreUnknownValues": false,
>       "maxBadRecords": 0,
>       "schema": {
>         "fields": [
>           {
>             "fields": [
>               {
>                 "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                 "name": "id",
>                 "type": "STRING"
>               },
>               {
>                 "fields": [
>                   {
>                     "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                     "name": "id",
>                     "type": "STRING"
>                   },
>                   {
>                     "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                     "name": "type",
>                     "type": "STRING"
>                   },
>                   {
>                     "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                     "name": "businessUnit",
>                     "type": "STRING"
>                   }
>                 ],
>                 "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                 "name": "identity",
>                 "type": "RECORD"
>               },
>               {
>                 "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                 "name": "finality",
>                 "type": "STRING"
>               },
>               {
>                 "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                 "name": "consentDate",
>                 "type": "TIMESTAMP"
>               },
>               {
>                 "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                 "name": "expiryDate",
>                 "type": "TIMESTAMP"
>               },
>               {
>                 "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                 "name": "expired",
>                 "type": "BOOLEAN"
>               },
>               {
>                 "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                 "name": "createdBy",
>                 "type": "STRING"
>               },
>               {
>                 "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                 "name": "createdDate",
>                 "type": "TIMESTAMP"
>               },
>               {
>                 "fields": [
>                   {
>                     "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                     "name": "id",
>                     "type": "STRING"
>                   },
>                   {
>                     "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                     "name": "application",
>                     "type": "STRING"
>                   },
>                   {
>                     "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                     "name": "type",
>                     "type": "STRING"
>                   }
>                 ],
>                 "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                 "name": "sender",
>                 "type": "RECORD"
>               },
>               {
>                 "fields": [
>                   {
>                     "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                     "name": "id",
>                     "type": "STRING"
>                   },
>                   {
>                     "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                     "name": "type",
>                     "type": "STRING"
>                   }
>                 ],
>                 "mode": "NULLABLE",
>                 "name": "relatedEvent",
>                 "type": "RECORD"
>               }
>             ],
>             "mode": "NULLABLE",
>             "name": "ContractualConsent",
>             "type": "RECORD"
>           }
>         ]
>       },
>       "sourceFormat": "NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON",
>       "writeDisposition": "WRITE_APPEND"
>     }
>   },
>   "etag": "RqYxd6o2jzl6YiTARI5nxg==",
>   "id": "{{PROJECT_ID}}:EU.9e790299-dc77-46f4-8978-476f284fe5b5",
>   "jobReference": {
>     "jobId": "9e790299-dc77-46f4-8978-476f284fe5b5",
>     "location": "EU",
>     "projectId": "{{PROJECT_ID}}"
>   },
>   "kind": "bigquery#job",
>   "selfLink":
> "{{PROJECT_ID}}/jobs/9e790299-dc77-46f4-8978-476f284fe5b5?location=EU";
> <>
> ,
>   "statistics": {
>     "creationTime": "1569491661818",
>     "endTime": "1569491662935",
>     "startTime": "1569491662366"
>   },
>   "status": {
>     "errorResult": {
>       "message": "Error while reading data, error message: JSON table
> encountered too many errors, giving up. Rows: 1; errors: 1. Please look
> into the errors[] collection for more details.",
>       "reason": "invalid"
>     },
>     "errors": [
>       {
>         "message": "Error while reading data, error message: JSON table
> encountered too many errors, giving up. Rows: 1; errors: 1. Please look
> into the errors[] collection for more details.",
>         "reason": "invalid"
>       },
>       {
>         "message": "Error while reading data, error message: JSON
> processing encountered too many errors, giving up. Rows: 1; errors: 1; max
> bad: 0; error percent: 0",
>         "reason": "invalid"
>       },
>       {
>         "message": "Error while reading data, error message: JSON parsing
> error in row starting at position 0: Start of array encountered without
> start of object.",
>         "reason": "invalid"
>       }
>     ],
>     "state": "DONE"
>   },
>   "user_email":
> ""
> <>
> }
> Error message is interesting.
> If I look in data provenance at the data I'm expected to send to BigQuery,
> I get
> [{"ContractualConsent":{"id":"5d847c5c92913700017692fc","identity":{"id":"511096128","type":"customer","businessUnit":"lmit"},"finality":"commercial_relationship","consentDate":"2019-06-04T15:39:32Z","expiryDate":"2024-06-04T15:39:32Z","expired":false,"createdBy":"DynamoCRM_DC","createdDate":"2019-09-20T07:14:36.576Z","sender":{"id":"511096128","application":"DYNAMO-CRM","type":"CUSTOMER"},"relatedEvent":{"id":"a72c44f1-de86-e911-a827-000d3a2aa91d","type":"customer_request"}}},{"ContractualConsent":{"id":"5d847c5c5fa9420001ebf04e","identity":{"id":"509582521","type":"customer","businessUnit":"lmit"},"finality":"commercial_relationship","consentDate":"2019-06-07T08:09:32Z","expiryDate":"2024-06-07T08:09:32Z","expired":false,"createdBy":"DynamoCRM_DC","createdDate":"2019-09-20T07:14:36.708Z","sender":{"id":"509582521","application":"DYNAMO-CRM","type":"CUSTOMER"},"relatedEvent":{"id":"6c335392-fb88-e911-a827-000d3a2aa91d","type":"customer_request"}}}]
> Which is indeed an array, instead of an object.
> And maybe it is because my JsonRecordSetWriter has for "Output grouping"
> the "Array" value selected ...
> Well, strangely, even after having changed configuration of my
> JsoNRecordSetwriter, values continue to be json arrays ...
> Anyway, I guess i'm on the right path ... (thanks a lot Pierre)
> Le 26/09/2019 à 13:18, Pierre Villard a écrit :
> What if you run the below command in Cloud Shell:
> bq --format=prettyjson show -j <job id>
> In your case (with your last email):
> bq --format=prettyjson show -j 9e790299-dc77-46f4-8978-476f284fe5b5
> Does it give you more details?
> Le jeu. 26 sept. 2019 à 12:13, Nicolas Delsaux <> a
> écrit :
>> Sorry for the late reply.
>> As of today, the issue is still present.
>> Nifi Web UI just shows the message "Error while reading data, error
>> message: JSON table encountered too many errors, giving up. Rows: 1;
>> errors: 1. Please look into the errors[] collection for more details."
>> But the log is clearer :
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> Standard FlowFile Attributes
>> Key: 'entryDate'
>> Value: 'Thu Sep 26 09:53:49 UTC 2019'
>> Key: 'lineageStartDate'
>> Value: 'Thu Sep 26 09:53:49 UTC 2019'
>> Key: 'fileSize'
>> Value: '999'
>> FlowFile Attribute Map Content
>> Key: 'avro.schema'
>> Value:
>> '{"type":"record","name":"nifiRecord","namespace":"org.apache.nifi","fields":[{"name":"ExplicitConsent","type":["null",{"type":"record","name":"ExplicitConsentType","fields":[{"name":"id","type":["null","string"]},{"name":"identity","type":["null",{"type":"record","name":"identityType","fields":[{"name":"id","type":["null","string"]},{"name":"type","type":["null","string"]},{"name":"businessUnit","type":["null","string"]}]}]},{"name":"finality","type":["null","string"]},{"name":"expired","type":["null","boolean"]},{"name":"createdBy","type":["null","string"]},{"name":"createdDate","type":["null","string"]},{"name":"sender","type":["null",{"type":"record","name":"senderType","fields":[{"name":"id","type":["null","string"]},{"name":"application","type":["null","string"]},{"name":"type","type":["null","string"]}]}]},{"name":"state","type":["null","string"]}]}]}]}'
>> Key: 'bq.error.message'
>> Value: 'Error while reading data, error message: JSON table encountered
>> too many errors, giving up. Rows: 1; errors: 1. Please look into the
>> errors[] collection for more details.'
>> Key: 'bq.error.reason'
>> Value: 'invalid'
>> Key: ''
>> Value: 
>> '{{PROJECT_ID}}/jobs/9e790299-dc77-46f4-8978-476f284fe5b5?location=EU'
>> <'>
>> Key: 'bq.job.stat.creation_time'
>> Value: '1569491661818'
>> Key: 'bq.job.stat.end_time'
>> Value: '1569491662935'
>> Key: 'bq.job.stat.start_time'
>> Value: '1569491662366'
>> Key: 'filename'
>> Value: 'e6d604d7-b517-4a87-a398-e4a5df342ce6'
>> Key: 'kafka.key'
>> Value: '--'
>> Key: 'kafka.partition'
>> Value: '0'
>> Key: 'kafka.topic'
>> Value: 'dc.consent-life-cycle.kpi-from-dev-nifi-json'
>> Key: 'merge.bin.age'
>> Value: '1'
>> Key: 'merge.count'
>> Value: '3'
>> Key: 'mime.type'
>> Value: 'application/json'
>> Key: 'path'
>> Value: './'
>> Key: 'record.count'
>> Value: '3'
>> Key: 'uuid'
>> Value: 'e6d604d7-b517-4a87-a398-e4a5df342ce6'
>> 2019-09-26 10:09:39,633 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-4]
>> o.a.n.processors.standard.LogAttribute
>> LogAttribute[id=ce9c171f-0c8f-3cab-e0f2-16156faf15b8] logging for flow file
>> StandardFlowFileRecord[uuid=e6d604d7-b517-4a87-a398-e4a5df342ce6,claim=StandardContentClaim
>> [resourceClaim=StandardResourceClaim[id=1569490848560-6, container=default,
>> section=6], offset=569098,
>> length=999],offset=0,name=e6d604d7-b517-4a87-a398-e4a5df342ce6,size=999]
>> I don't exactly understand why i would have to set an authentication,
>> because I've set the service.json content into the GCP Credentials Provider
>> I use for my PutBigQueryBatch processor ...
>> Is there anything I'm missing ? or a simple way to make sure verything
>> work as expected ?
>> Thanks
>> Le 24/09/2019 à 16:12, Pierre Villard a écrit :
>> Hey Nicolas,
>> Did you manage to solve your issue? Happy to help on this one.
>> Thanks,
>> Pierre
>> Le ven. 20 sept. 2019 à 16:42, Nicolas Delsaux <>
>> a écrit :
>>> Hello
>>> I'm using PutBigQueryBash and having weird auth issues.
>>> I have set the GCP Credentials Controller Service to use Service Account
>>> JSON which I have copied from the value given in Google Cloud Console.
>>> But when I run my flow, I get the error message "Error while reading
>>> data, error message: JSON table encountered too many errors, giving up.
>>> Rows: 1; errors: 1. Please look into the errors[] collection for more
>>> details."
>>> What is stranger is that when I log all properties, there is a
>>> which messages indicate "Request is missing required
>>> authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or
>>> other valid authentication credential. See
>>> ...
>>> But nifi can access the bigquery workspace and dataset (I've checked
>>> that by deleting the table schema that I have already written).
>>> So, is there something I'm doing wrong ?
>>> Thanks !

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