Dear All,
I am trying to run standalone NiFi 1.12.1 (not cluster) on Kubernetes. I am
planning to migrate my NiFi instance from VM to Kubernetes. 
I did container PoC on Docker and it was successfully completed. Storage
side was really simple I used mount parameter for persistency required
folders like conf, state, flowfile_repository etc. and then it worked
I jumped to Kubernetes PoC. I deployed official image to Kubernetes
(standalone one replica, not cluster). It was successfully run. I moved on
to next step for persistent disk requirement.
I used Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim with NFS but it didn't
work correctly. It seems, It doesn't support NFS type "Persistent Volume"
and "Persistent Volume Claim" for mounting the storage.
I saw some topics in the forum about Statefullset and Helm but I am making
PoC on my local environment therefore I would like to learn, is there any
guidance or documentation about NiFi on Kubernetes?
My PoC Environment:
Apache Nifi 1.12.1 Official Image (
1 master 2 worker nodes (on VirtualBox)
Deployment is standalone not cluster therefore I am using standart
deployment yaml with single replica

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