
There are a couple of different background processes that run within the 
Content Repository.

One of the processes takes any files in the repository that are not longer used 
by FlowFiles in the flow. It either moves them into an archive directory or 
deletes them (based on the value of the 
“nifi.content.repository.archive.enabled” property in

A second background process periodically runs and looks at all of the data that 
is in the archive/ directories. It check isf any of the files is older than the 
threshold (based on the “nifi.content.repository.archive.max.retention.period” 
property). If so, it deletes the file.

This process then checks if too much of the content repository’s disk space is 
used up (based on how much storage space is used and the value of the 
“nifi.content.repository.archive.max.usage.percentage” property). If the 
storage space threshold is exceeded, it starts deleting the oldest data out of 
the archive directories until either the amount of disk space that’s in use 
falls below that threshold, or the archive directories are empty.

Hope that’s helpful


> On Aug 4, 2021, at 6:14 AM, Vibhath Ileperuma <> 
> wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Thank You for the information. It was really helpful to resolve the issue. I 
> was able to increase the disk size and this issue didn't occur.
> Just for my knowledge, when does nifi start to clean the content repository? 
> Does it always wait till the repository usage percentage limit or retention 
> period exceeds? 
> After the execution of Nifi flow, the size of the content repository was 
> 120GB. Does it grow further until one of above conditions met, if I execute 
> the flow again and again?
> Thank You.
> Vibhath

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