At my prior company I've installed earlier versions of nifi on GCP Debian VMs 
and not had a problem pointing a Windows 10 browser at them and going to work.  
I'm aware v1.14.0 requires a user login when not using certs, but I can't even 
get to that step.

I'm pulling my remaining hair out trying to connect to a new Debian VM on GCP 
running v 1.14.0 on Java 8.  Nifi starts and runs properly, with this caveat - 
I cannot reference the static external IP - only the default IP (, so 
my browser can't connect.  I have a GCP firewall rule that opens the 8443 port 
for the VM, and even added ICMP to it and can ping it from a CMD shell on my 
PC.  I've checked all of the file permissions on that VM, all uniformly correct.

Details of my

If I use: (the default)

Nifi starts properly and runs, but my browser returns " refused to 
connect "

If I use the VM's static IP (which is what I've used on prior VMs):

Nifi fails to start, with the log saying: 
2021-08-20 18:55:27,715 WARN [main] org.apache.nifi.web.server.JettyServer 
Failed to start web server... shutting down. Failed to bind to /
Caused by: Cannot assign requested address

Endless web searches and tests have resulted in no change of behavior - with 
the default IP, Nifi runs but I can't access it, and with my external IP, it 
won't start.  I've even tried using a different port (8543), no change.  In 
this GCP project, I have just this one VM and it has successfully been running 
Postgres for many months.

Any ideas?

Mike Sofen

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