At 10:52 18/05/2014 -0700, Jacquelyn Apples wrote:
Is there a way to split a cell either vertically or horizontally? I have been adding another column or row then going back and merging all but the cell I wanted split - really don't think that is very efficient.

Indeed not. But there is a sense in which you should not want to do this. A spreadsheet is basically for calculation, of course, and the values used in those calculations - whether they be numeric of textual or whatever - are defined as cell contents and addressed as such. If you divide a cell into parts - whether horizontally or vertically - there would be no way to refer to the component parts in formulae. If you achieve what you need by merging cells, there is no such problem, of course. You'll be saying that you don't want to do any calculations - which is fine. But the programmers of Calc cannot know that in advance!

Since you don't want to do any calculations, all you are asking for is that you should be able to lay out the text in a cell in a specific way - and there are ways to do this.

At 13:05 18/05/2014 -0700, Jacquelyn Apples wrote:
Below is a one day section from the calendar. [...]
21      Garbage P/U
Med Appt 2:30p
129307 - 115.22

I'm still not clear exactly what you want, but if you just need these three lines to appear in one cell, you can do that easily. Press Ctrl+Enter to move to a new line within the same cell. Note that you need to do this whilst you are editing in the cell itself, not in the Input Line. To edit in the cell, type afresh into a cell, double-click the cell, or press F2. Alternatively you may find it helpful to tick "Wrap text automatically" under Properties on the Alignment tab of the Format Cells dialogue.

If you use your existing scheme, do you really need to merge all those cells that are not divided? If you suppress the borders between the relevant cells, they will not appear as separate cells in your printed output. Significantly, suppressing such borders can - unlike your merging - be done wholesale.

If you are doing no calculations (or even if you are), you may not need the facilities of a spreadsheet. Instead, you can lay out material in tabular fashion using a table in a text (Writer) document. Specifically, you can achieve what you ask very easily in table cells: divide them vertically or horizontally without affecting other cells in any way.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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