On 07/02/2016 01:22 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:


I think this tells most of the story:

The code was imported into the Apache OpenOffice source-code tree in 2011.  
Since then, it has only been touched in cosmetic ways that don't repair or 
update anything.  No one has put technical work into it.

Unfortunately, the desirability of this to users is different than their being 
the capacity, capability, and commitment of volunteer developers to work on 

I think it is safe to say that the project lacks the capacity to work on this 
extension and that changing is not foreseeable at this time.


  - Dennis

That's too bad. I was getting to like AOO 4.1.2. I may still use it for docs, since it seems to have fixed some frustrating bugs in Writer that LO, at least the last version I tried (4.4), still has after years and many releases. However, I must use LO, probably 3.6, for my databases. LO 3.6 and its Report Builder were fairly stable for me. Subsequent LO releases were too buggy for me to use. The LO 3.6 Report Builder was still slow, but I think I have narrowed that down to comparing strings. It is much faster if I only compare numbers, which makes sense.

Thank goodness we have open file formats so that I can use the tools that work best.

Girvin Herr

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