Web Kracked wrote:
> Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
>>> Also some articles seems to think Windows 7 will cost at least
>>> 25% of the total cost of a new PC.  It also appears that the same
>>> web sites are hosting articles saying MS is already working on
>>> the pre-Alpha version of Windows 8.
>> And how does that have anything to do with OOo?
> !
> !
> WELL, the beta version of the Update program states that
> OOo 3.1 is NOT compatible with Windows 7.  This is for the
> current RC copy of Windows 7.  Get a free copy of Win 7 RC
> that works till summer of 2010, and then get hit with
> every problem you can think of when it no longer works.
> I just cannot get over the advisor software stating
> "not compatible".
> !
> !
>>> Well, if anyone out there have tried the Beta or RC of Windows 7,
>>> I would like to know how well OOo 3.1 works with it. 
>> I believe it does.  We had a tech playing with a Windows7 beta and
>> OOo is the standard - nobody said anything about it not working.
> Beta is not the Release Candidate that is currently out.
> I just do not like MS's upgrade advisor software stating that
> OpenOffice.org is not compatible.  They did not say there may
> be problems. "They"/it said not compatible.  How many people
> will see that and wonder like I am, is that true or not.
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To ALL: Why bother even getting Win 7, if Win 8 is following right
behind? NOT only that but some one is working on a Open Source version
of Windows which will be totally FREE! Please access the SeaMonkey
support site and ask about that program, you may be pleasantly
surprised! :-)

Old Sarge-John Boyle

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