2010/1/13 t...@seedfield.co.uk <t...@seedfield.co.uk>:
> Dear Sir/Madame,
> I'm currently writing a document for work using vista which is the only
> programme on my lap top which was highly recommended to me by the company who
> sold me the lap top. However it appears to make a lot of very simple tasks
> extremely unnecessarily complicated which costs a lot of my time which I do 
> not
> need. All I want to do is to pres insert page number and then I expect each 
> page
> to have its number on the bottom. This is what happened in Word xp but not in
> Vista. Why is this? I am having great difficulty inserting page numbers in
> numerical order due to the fact that even when I insert a footer and then go 
> to
> insert page number it only inserts one page number on one page - what is the
> point of that? So I individualy tried to do it by hand but when I do that it
> automatically changes it so that 4 is before 3 etc. Its very annoying. If 
> there
> is a way you could sort it please could you let me know.
> A job that should take one second is taking me an hour of wasted time.
> I would appreciate your help. Sorry if this email sounds short.

Well, this is a mail list for OpenOffice.org. If you use Word you
should search for a forum or mail list for Word, not for


Johnny Rosenberg

> Kind regards,
> Tia Danning.

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