Den 2010-11-09 18:09:13 skrev Barbara Duprey <>:

On 11/9/2010 3:45 AM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
Den 2010-11-09 00:45:54 skrev Barbara Duprey <>:

On 11/8/2010 6:25 AM, Bill McCarthy wrote:
Hello....I installed the program as instructed on CD, but I have never found a way to actually RUN the program since there was NO operational icon created and all that comes up is the original install panel.
Bill McCarthy     Pittsburgh, PA

[Bill ( is not subscribed and probably will not see any responses unless directly copied.]

Yes he can, here:

A quick Google search took me there, anyone can do it.

It would be interesting to know your search term, but the main problem I have with the OOo archives is that there is no good way to reply there to requests for further information or clarification. The Nabble interface is better, but the typical user is not going to get there without help.

I don't remember exactly so I searched again, this time for:
open office 2009 McCarthy

First hit takes you to one of the responses and from there you can read the original message and all the responses.

If that doesn't work, you can always search for a whole sentence in the message, I think. That would be useful if you still have your own message available.

Best regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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