Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
Den 2010-11-28 15:03:15 skrev James Greenidge <>:

A Write document is corrupt but I can use Stuffit to open it and get at the files but I can't find the very important images. Does OOo store then as PNG or PICT or JPG? Also, does OOo convert image files pasted into a Write doc?

Are your images in your writer document or are they linked to from writer? If the latter, there are no images in the ODF. Otherwise I guess Writer stores them in their original format in a separate folder (”Images”?), but I'm not 100 % sure about that.

The images are stored in their own folder within the odf file. This folder is named Picture. As mentioned by the previous poster, the images are stored in the odf file only if they have been embedded into the writer document. If you had chosen to only link the images, the ODF file will only contain a link to where the images were located when you made the link to the images.


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