To whom it may concern:

I recently installed OpenOffice 2.3.0 on an HP dv6500 laptop using Windows 
Vista Premium and also on an older computer using Windows XP.  On both 
computers whenever I open an existing file within any of the OpenOffice 
applications using either File|Open from the menu bar, or the Open Folder from 
the tool bar, the working directory is always the directory accessed in the 
lastest application used.  Why don't they use the working directory I set in 

The other frustrating thing is when you select an choice in "Files of Type:" to 
open certain types of files in any of the applications it does not become the 
default for the application--it always returns to the choice "All files (*.*)".

I have spent years trying to get my wife to understand (with very limited 
success) the importance of naming files and how the extension of the filename 
aids the computer to select the application needed to process it.  My solution 
has been to create subdirectories for each of the file types, such as 
documents, drawings, presentations, spreadsheets, etc. then set the appropriate 
directory as the working directory for each application.  It has saved me a lot 
of grief not having to search for files she creates because they will always 
end up in the directory associated with the program she ran to create it.  Not 
to mention the fact it greatly reduces the number of files you see on the list 
when opening them.  Since OpenOffice theoretically has a global working 
directory for all applications, my current subdirectory concept would work if 
the working directory would not automatically float to the latest directory 
accessed.  Merging all the subdirectories under one directory will really make 
a mess of trying to locate files within an application unless the "Files of 
Type:" option can be made to hold for each application.

To make matters worse, after two days of running OpenOffice, the "Files of 
Type:" option has become completely useless.  Whenever it is selected in any of 
the applications, it just rapidly scrolls through the entire list of choices 
and automatically selects the last one!  Is there a know fix for this, or do I 
have to try re-installing the software?

I would really appreciate any help I can get to resolve any of the above issues.

Thank you,  Tim Deitrick   at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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