I downloaded your open office 2.3.1 and it worked  fine. Unfortunately, my 
computer crashed and I lost  everything.  I have tried several time to download 
it again, which with my  dial up takes hours.  Every time I have downloaded it 
again, it will  not install.  I get a message   that the installation files 
are  corrupted.  Do you have any suggestions? 
By the way, I congratulate you on this program.  I live a on  very small 
fixed income and do not have the money to buy Microsoft's  programs.  I don't 
know how I could contribute, as I am in the bed most of  the time, as I am 
very weak from end stage liver disease.  I only get  a few minutes at a time on 
the computer before I have to go back  to bed.
God bless,

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