2007/1/23, Harold Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tuesday, January 23, 2007 4:57 PM [GMT+1=CET],
> Dan Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >     Comments inline.
> >
> > On Tuesday 23 January 2007 9:03 am, James Knott wrote:
> >> TerryJ wrote:
> >>> Getting off topic, I've belatedly woken up to a major hole in the
> >>> "security" about which I'd been smug.
> >>>
> >>> On the Linux OSs I've used, you need a password by default to log
> >>> in.  You can drive a truck through that with a live cd.  The one
> >>> I've got let's you log in as administrator (Linux = root) and
> >>> have your evil way with anything and everything on the hard
> >>> drive.
> >     Please specify the live CD that you used to do this. I have a
> > live CD of one distribution that will not even recognize the Linux
> > partition on the computer at all, and the partition is the same
> > distribution as the live CD.
> >>
> >> Security involves physical security.  If someone has physical
> >> access, they can do almost  anything they want
> >>
> >>> I'd use top quality software to encrypt a file with some
> >>> confidence but OpenOffice is not in that category.  The password
> >>> might be secure (although there's a password cracker on
> >>> www.ooomacros.org) but the encrypting can, it seems, go awry.
> >
> >       Please explain what you mean by the encryption going awry. On
> > what basis have you decided that OOo is not in the category of a top
> > quality encryption?
> >       I am skeptical of your claims because I do not know what your
> > background is. These claims may be true or they might not be. But
> > without collaboration by others, there is no way to tell.
> >
> > Dan
> >
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> The password cracker macro announces itself as a dictionary attack. It
> comes
> with these *five* passwords in its (text file) dictionary:
>    password
>    Password
>    pass word
>    p4$$ w0rd!
> In addition it points the user at a web site (www.openwall.com) which the
> author says is a good source of dictionary files. The site has free
> wordlists and also sells a CD with those lists plus a sing wordlist,
> implemented as a text file, claimed to have over 40 million entries many
> of
> which have been generated by taking ordinary words and applying "word
> mangling" rules to them (capitalisation, numbers instead of letters
> [number
> 1 instead of letter l for example] etc. etc.) Seems to me you'd need to
> pick
> quite a good password to beat that.

Or maybe not. Here are some simple maths:
Let's say that the password is 8 letters (mixed capitals/non capitals)
separated by a non alpha character. This is a very common way to create
passwords. If a word list, against all odds actually contains these words in
the correct order with a separator (non alpha character as I said a few
words ago), there are quite a few variations that have to be covered.

The correct password is made with the words "word" and "book" and separated
by a non alpha character.
wordbook contains 8 characters. This means that there are 256 different ways
to combine capitals with non capitals.
and so on.

As I said, there is a also a separator. This can be one of these, and maybe
a lot more:
Maybe even åäöÅÄÖüïë and so on, but I am not sure these are valid characters
for passwords. Without them we have 41 possible characters. This character
can be placed in 9 different places:
and so on until

Finally, 256·41·9=94464 combinations.

So, if the list contains 40 millions of entries, this means that we have
40000000/94464=423 unique word combinations. That's not a whole lot, is it?
And maybe the correct password is "wORdb6oO9k#", which is not very
complicated, but much harder to cover with a list...

I tried that macro and I found that the exact phrase must be included in the
list, otherwise the macro will fail. If the correct password is word4book,
the following list will not help:

When I added the following line, it macro didn't fail:

What I wanted to say is that, if all combinations of capitals and separators
is considered, a list of 40 millions of possible passwords is not very much.
It's pretty easy to create a password that's not even close to be included
in such a list.

Sorry for replying almost a year after this subject was "hot"...

Johnny Rosenberg

I assume it has "passphrases" as well.
> Any decent encryption scheme will allow and use pass phrases of virtually
> unlimited length (unlike some half baked systems which let you
> choose/enter
> long passwords but only really use the first 8 or 10 characters).
> If the macro does 100 tries per second, 40 million tries takes about 4.63
> days; 10,000 tries per second brings that down to a little more than an
> hour. Of course, "on average" if the thing succeeds at all it'll succeed
> after half that time.
> The only real way to defeat a dictionary attack is to destroy the
> encrypted
> document after <x> failures (x = 3, 5 ?) and hope the attack isn't lucky
> within that <x>. One can also delay things considerably by saying "after
> <x>
> failed attempts you can't try again for <n> minutes".
> The algorithm used to perform the encryption is actually irrelevant. The
> only things that matter are the quality of the password and the quality of
> the dictionary. More complex algorithms mean each guess (and therefore the
> total attack) takes longer but, against a really good dictionary, offer no
> more protection than XOR. No that does *not* mean that XOR is as good as
> Blowfish. It means XOR is no less susceptible to a dictionary attack than
> Blowfish. Blowfish is *much* better against other forms of attack.
> Harold Fuchs
> London, England
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