I saw Howards post, too. I have less a problem with breaking up the list, as the subjects generally provide a easy way of focusing on what you want. But, it seems to me, subscribers should also be subject to Moderator review as well, even if it is spot-checking. Lacking this we are left to self-police posters and no one likes being the bad cop.

I, too, have no problem with occasional off-topic posting which can be helpful. I do have a problem, however, with OT stuff that goes on and on for more than a hundred posts, as at least one or two recent threads have, and I have no tolerance for rude, ignorant or insulting posts.

No biggie, but I also have noticed that most, but not all, posters tend to include all of the previous posts in the thread rather than editing the old ones out and then respond at the bottom. It is helpful if the response is done at the top with, generally, all but the previous response included (or a snippet about which you are responding). In addition to avoiding having to wade through all the old posts to get to the response, this also saves tremendously on storage both locally and on the NG server.

BTW, I've noticed that we have fewer and more focused posts today.


"mike scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 16 Jun 2008 at 23:02, Drew Jensen wrote:

Please don't forget that this is actually an email list, and that
gmane only gateways the list proper into their newsgroup.

The email list does have moderators - but only mail from unsubscribed
addresses goes to them. Subscribers to the list have direct,
unmoderated access as I understand it. I don't know what the
situation is with submissions coming via gmane.

I don't think it would be good to break up the list by function - OOo
isn't just an assembly of diverse programs: the components are quite
tightly integrated, and issues may easily affect more than one
comonent. A good subject line can work wonders (a concept which seems
obvious, yet eludes a surprising number of people).

And while some OT matters can add interest to the list, I agree that
lately there have been irrational, irrelevant threads involving
contributors from whom I would have expected better. Perhaps there
haven't been enough technical problems to occupy people :-)

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