On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Itamar Heim <ih...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> as we wrap oVirt 3.2, I wanted to check with oVirt users on what they find
> good/useful in oVirt, and what they would like to see improved/added in
> coming versions?
> Thanks,
>    Itamar

Good/useful:  Open Source virtualization with a strong web management
interface.  Rapidly improving, too.

wish improved:  SPICE connection reliability and LDAPS support.

wish added:  native ATA-over-Ethernet SAN support.

wish removed:  Kerberos dependencies.  Let people who want Kerb have
it, but don't force it where it's not needed.  LDAP over SSL is

Many thanks to all the oVirt team for all their hard work!

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