Indeed, if you're using oVirt 3.4 and up, and you supply all the NICs
whenever you create the VM (not afterwards - as part of the new VM
dialog), the NICs should receive MAC addresses according to their
ordering by names, e.g. nic1 will always get a lower MAC address than
nic2. For a newly-created VM this should guarantee that nic1 will indeed
end up the first NIC inside the guest OS and be used by PXE.

If this is something you do a lot, then I'd suggest creating a new
template as such and create VMs from that.

On 31/03/15 11:23, Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:
> Le 31/03/2015 09:21, Sven Kieske a écrit :
>> You should file an RFE on bugzilla for this
>> kind of stuff and maybe raise awareness during
>> the weekly meeting on irc.
>> this increases the chance of an implementation
>> taking place dramatically ;)
>> HTH
> Hi Sven,
> I found and append this :
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