OK, so disk write performance is back to being poor on my Win7 guest.

It is very plausible that the bottleneck is my HDD hardware and/or
built-in RAID controller on the server, though the difference i am
getting in write speeds between the bare metal test and with the guest
VM is still pretty steep.

This is a home/lab setup with not much on it, so just to determine if it
is my HDD/RAID hardware, I am going to blow this setup away, install
VMware 5.5 on this exact same hardware and install a Win7 guest VM. 
Once I have done that, I will run the exact same HHD read/write test
with this Parkdale application and report back on the results.  I should
be able to get that done this week.

Based on my results, if it turns out to be an oVirt issue, we can figure
out if there is anything further I may be able to do to get better



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