On Sunday, April 8, 2018 10:33:50 AM EDT ~Stack~ wrote:
> On 03/28/2018 05:31 AM, Fedele Stabile Nuovo Server wrote:
> > My question is mainly addressed at those of you who use oVirt not only
> > for creating services on virtual machines.
> > What is your experience and what did you made?
> Still consider myself an oVirt newb. Only been using it for a few months
> but I'm liking it so far. I don't have the hardware specs in front of me
> but I have a 4 node Hypervisor setup with a physical Engine host. All
> running on Scientific Linux 7.
> > Is there anyone who virtualized an HPC cluster?
> I'm still not convinced that virtualized HPC is a good idea for those
> who need compute performance. Though it is getting better than when I
> first heard someone say they were doing it at Supercomputing14!
> > What is for you the advantage on virtualizing a cluster?
> Um. As a 14year HPC admin, I still say none for compute. However, I am
> using oVirt to support a ton of my infrastructure services: Frontends,
> Log-ins, Scheduler, Database, LDAP, ect.
> I'm still learning how to set up something where my users can click a
> button on a webpage and get a VM spun up for a Graphical session on
> oVirt. I'm also still debating on the pros/cons for setting up oVirt
> VM's for things like JupyterNotebooks/RStudio Server/ect for the "I just
> want a web page to develop my code on and will submit to the cluster for
> the job run" crowd.
> It is a huge learning process for me. Most of the tools I've been using
> have worked great for years, but it is time to update and refresh those
> skills. Most of the provisioning tools I've used in the past don't work
> so well with oVirt. So now I'm exploring other tools.
> Foreman is and overcomplicated buggy headache, IMO. Every time I or a
> coworker has tried to get it going it has been a massive
> time-suck-crash-and-burn. Add to it that my current security team has
> HUGE issues with Puppet (don't get me started - I like Puppet) and
> building Foreman by hand with Salt is just an awful awful awful
> experience I wouldn't wish on an enemy...just no. :-)
> DigitalRebar was looking SUPER promising, but they recently went to a
> model that MUST chat out to the Internet or it breaks itself (a complete
> no-go for me). A complete shame.
> So I'm back to Cobbler which is simple and works fantastically well, but
> doesn't really have any integrations into oVirt (that I'm aware of). I'm
> probably going to have to write something with the two API's.

Have you looked at ansible? You can make some playbooks that call the REST api 
and have it deploy the VMs for you. Or if you feel like writing your own 
portal you can use the Java or Python SDK to access the REST api.

> > Or, having a class with PC or Raspberry is better to use LTSP or PiNet
> > or virtualize desktops?
> Can't say. Don't mess with Raspberry Pi's much.
> ~Stack~

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