Setting both http_proxy and https_proxy fixed the issue.

Thanks for the tip!


I am not sure, it's been a long time since I tried that.

Feel free to file a bug.

You can also try setting env var 'http_proxy' for engine-setup, e.g.:

http_proxy=MY_PROXY_URL engine-setup --reconfigure-optional-components

Alternatively, you can also add '--offline' to engine-setup cmd, and then it
won't do any package management (not try to update, check for updates, etc.).

Best regards,



On 9/30/20 2:19 AM, Benny Zlotnik wrote:
When you ran `engine-setup` did you enable cinderlib preview (it will
not be enabled by default)?
It should handle the creation of the database automatically, if you
didn't you can enable it by running:
`engine-setup --reconfigure-optional-components`

On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 1:58 AM Michael Thomas <> wrote:

Hi Benny,

Thanks for the confirmation.  I've installed openstack-ussuri and ceph
Octopus.  Then I tried using these instructions, as well as the deep
dive that Eyal has posted at

I've done this a couple of times, and each time the engine fails when I
try to add the new managed block storage domain.  The error on the
screen indicates that it can't connect to the cinder database.  The
error in the engine log is:

2020-09-29 17:02:11,859-05 WARN
(default task-2) [d519088c-7956-4078-b5cf-156e5b3f1e59] Validation of
action 'AddManagedBlockStorageDomain' failed for user
admin@internal-authz. Reasons:

I had created the db on the engine with this command:

su - postgres -c "psql -d template1 -c \"create database cinder owner
engine template template0 encoding 'UTF8' lc_collate 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_ctype 'en_US.UTF-8';\""

...and added the following to the end of /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf:

       host    cinder          engine          ::0/0                   md5
       host    cinder          engine               md5

Is there anywhere else I should look to find out what may have gone wrong?


On 9/29/20 3:34 PM, Benny Zlotnik wrote:
The feature is currently in tech preview, but it's being worked on.
The feature page is outdated,  but I believe this is what most users
in the mailing list were using. We held off on updating it because the
installation instructions have been a moving target, but it is more
stable now and I will update it soon.

Specifically speaking, the openstack version should be updated to
train (it is likely ussuri works fine too, but I haven't tried it) and
cinderlib has an RPM now (python3-cinderlib)[1], so it can be
installed instead of using pip, same goes for os-brick. The rest of
the information is valid.


On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 10:37 PM Michael Thomas <> wrote:

I'm looking for the latest documentation for setting up a Managed Block
Device storage domain so that I can move some of my VM images to ceph rbd.

I found this:

...but it has a big note at the top that it is "...not user
documentation and should not be treated as such."

The oVirt administration guide[1] does not talk about managed block devices.

I've found a few mailing list threads that discuss people setting up a
Managed Block Device with ceph, but didn't see any links to
documentation steps that folks were following.

Is the Managed Block Storage domain a supported feature in oVirt 4.4.2,
and if so, where is the documentation for using it?

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