Hi there,
It looks to me like your address syntax is wrong.

A destination that I tend to use for playing around with the headers exchange is:

testqueue; {create: receiver, node: {x-declare: {arguments: {'qpid.policy_type': ring, 'qpid.max_size': 500000000}}, x-bindings: [{exchange: 'amq.match', queue: 'testqueue', key: 'data1', arguments: {x-match: all, data-service: amqp-delivery, item-owner: fadams}}]}}

that address creates a binding with a key called data1 (for headers exchange the key is really just a handle) and the binding matches if the header data-service=amqp-delivery and the header item-owner=fadams. The x-match: all means that every header must match -e.g. it's effectively a logical AND.

your x-bindings say

x-bindings:[{queue:generated, exchange:myexchange, 

the value of x-match should be all or any so at the very least that bit is wrong.

I'm afraid I'm not that familiar with spout and drain so I wouldn't know if you've got the right syntax for that I'm afraid.

As I say the address I've given you definitely works for the properties mentioned so one option is to start from there and change the values for what you actually need.

As an aside rather frustratingly qpid-config - b queues isn't that useful for the headers exchange (it just displays the binding key and not the arguments). Gordon Sim put together a patch, hopefully it's on track to make it in to Qpid 0.14 (it's only a four line change and is really useful for anyone who used the headers exchange)


On 12/01/12 18:39, techguy911 wrote:
I'm trying to filter by message properties using a headers exchange but no
luck.  To help with troubleshooting, I broke the problem down to standard
QPID command lines.

#Create the exchange
qpid-config add exchange headers myexchange
#Bind to a queue with a property filter
qpid-config bind myexchange myqueue mykey all matchkey=matchvalue

#In terminal A, setup a non-filtered test drain
./drain -f myexchange

#In terminal B, setup a drain on the bound queue
./drain -f myqueue

#In terminal C, setup an auto-generated queue bound to the exchange
./drain -f "generated; {create:always, node: {type: queue,
x-declare:{auto-delete:'False', exchange:myexchange, type:headers},
x-bindings:[{queue:generated, exchange:myexchange,

#In terminal D, send the message
./spout --content "testcontent" --property "matchkey=matchvalue" myexchange

I see messages coming across on Terminal A
spout-id:eef6a0ea-a21b-42db-8dac-7deafd40fceb:0, x-amqp-0-10.routing-key:},

Nothing on B or C.

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Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
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Use/Interact: mailto:users-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
Use/Interact: mailto:users-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

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