As Gordon noted, the JMS client can't act as a server for incoming
connections. Its only a client and must connect out, but the other
side can be a broker/router/toaster/other.

The 'reactor' impl which proton-j includes can accept, and there is a
very basic/incomplete/naive 'recv' example which does show that,
however I wouldn't suggest you try it, and I'm not aware of anyone who
actually uses it that way. Proton was originally envisaged as purely a
protocol engine others would use in creating their own clients/servers
etc, and thats how proton-j continues to see most of its use.

One instance of that which you might want to look at would be over at
There isnt much in docs for sever side beyond the API javadoc, but
theres a very basic example at,
and lots of use in the tests one dir up.


On 14 March 2018 at 12:19, Cyril Micoud <> wrote:
> Hi Gordon,
> Thanks for your answer...
> We are agree with your first point and we look to try it as soon as possible.
> But we have also a 3rd system in Java and we need a direct access Java=>Java 
> without any broker.
> I think the solution is your second point?
> In that case, how each system knew the dispatch router?
> Have you an other proposal without dispatch router?
> Thanks by advance,
> Bets regards,
> Cyril
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Gordon Sim <>
> Envoyé : mercredi 14 mars 2018 11:02
> À :
> Objet : Re: Qpid JMS 0.30.0 or Qpid Proton-J 0.26.0 to point-to-point message 
> exchange?
> On 14/03/18 08:40, Cyril Micoud wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> We are working with Qpid to set up interoperability between 2 systems,
>> one in Java, the other in C ++.
>> On the C ++ side, we use Qpid Proton 0.17.0 (not the last update due
>> to system constraints) to use the AMQP 1.0 standard.
>> In Java, we started on Qpid JMS 0.30.0 for the simplicity of JMS and
>> compatibility with 1.0 of AMQP.
>> In the nominal case, we use a Broker, but we also need point-to-point
>> access to transfer information from one system to another such as the
>> broker's address and the queues on which we can exchange.
>> However, connection and exchange with the broker is simple to
>> configure, but the point to point in JMS seems compromised (or so we
>> have not yet find the right documentation).
>> We are considering the use of Qpid Proton-J 0.26.0 but again, we do
>> not find much example of implementation ...
>> What is the best way to use both communication broker and point-to-point?
>> Anybody can provide us a quick sample of Proton-J usage with and
>> without broker? or a JMS sample to point-to-point usage?
> If by point-to-point you mean one system connects to the other directly, then 
> the first thing is to decide which direction that connection happens in. The 
> JMS client, as far as I know, does not let you accept incoming connections. 
> Therefore it would be easier to have the c++ part open a listener on a 
> particular port, and have the JMS client simply connect to that as if it were 
> a broker. That does mean there is some extra stuff the c++ side needs to do 
> to correctly handle the direct connections. You can have a look at the broker 
> example to get some
> ideas:
> However, one other thing to consider, is to use the dispatch router between 
> the systems. This way the two systems connect out, as if to a broker, but can 
> send each other messages that are acknowledged end-to-end with no 
> store-and-forward between them. You can also have the links propagated if you 
> need to. I think it often makes the overall system simpler. It depends of 
> course on the reasons and detailed use cases for the point-to-point 
> communication channel.
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