It would be great to identify a bead from this pattern so others can just
drop a bead in their code instead of having to add a parameter and use
bracket access.

I forgot that EscapedFragmentBead extends URLParameterBead.  The
URLParameter bead currently just returns the entire query string, but some
other API could have it generate a ValueObject which would prevent naming
problems or have a query API like getParameter that would force you to use
string IDs that wouldn't be renamed.

We want to try to package just about any solution as a bead so others
don't have to repeat the same set of steps.

My 2 cents,

On 3/8/18, 1:50 AM, "Harbs" <> wrote:

>Just add the following to your main class:
>public var parameters:Object;
>Also: Make sure you use bracket access (i.e. this.parameters[“anything”]
>instead of this.parameters.anything) to the parameters var to prevent
>renaming problems when it’s minified.
>> On Mar 8, 2018, at 3:48 AM, doug777 <> wrote:
>> Hi Harbs,
>> I don't understand how to access these parameters in the app's main file
>> since Application.parameters.anything won't compile.
>> Doug
>> --
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