
some options to do that:

1.- use htmlTemplate compiler option to add html to the html template that
loads the app. Check Tour De Jewel. It uses it to setup fonts from google

for example in Maven pom.xml you can see this line:


2.- you can use JS API inside royale with HTML.swc adding for example
<html:Div> tag and more, and then using CSS to make those div change

maybe others could imagine more ways to do that...



El dom., 21 jul. 2019 a las 2:17, gkk gb (<modjkl...@comcast.net>) escribió:

> The company I work for has a website that is created/maintained via Drupal
> templates, wherein all the web pages share the same header (navigation) and
> footer on every page.
> If I create a "web app" in Royale, can it integrate inside a pair of <div>
> ... </div> tags or other way so that it just inserts into one part of the
> web page in a self-contained manner? If so, how does that work in practice?
> Or, must I place the web app elsewhere on the website and then use an
> IFrame (I prefer not) to make it sit nicely inside an existing webpage with
> corporate header and footer around it? The Tour de Jewel "View States"
> example gives me hope...

Carlos Rovira

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