Le 15/11/11 13:26, federico.goldszt...@teracode.com a écrit :
Hello, we are having a security issue, if I copy the calendar (caldav) url to
add in lightning all I need is to change the name to someone elses and i can
see their calendar.

Could it be possibly that your are Superuser for Sogo ? That could explain this behaviour :-)

How can I prevent this from happening?

Example: using this url
http://calendar.teracode.com/SOGo/dav/USERNAME/Calendar/personal as I'm already
validated I can use what ever username from the company I want.

What I need, of course, is to be able to onle see my own calendar.


Didier Belhomme
Gestionnaire Systemes Unix/GNU/Linux
E-mail: didier.belho...@fundp.ac.be
Tel : +32 81 72 50 25
Fax : +32 81 72 50 23

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