On 20/02/2013 21:38, administrator wrote:

SOGo looks promising, but the sheer amount of bad user interfaces to manage it and stuff like that is staggering.

What was I expecting?

1)Install the ZEG appliance, at first login tell me the management url: http://192.x.x.x/SOGo

2)I should have been able to log in as sogo to begin with in the web interface

3)From there, I should be able to just type in a list of domains to accept mail for and their settings

4)Also from there I should be able to easily create users for each mail domain (sorta like the windows user manager, at least M$ got that part right)

5)Other misc configs. And scripts to do the same stuff easily from the commandline without having to remember what back ends you were using

What I'm proposing:

Since I only do vb.net I'm kinda screwed in a way because linux mainly supports c#, perl, php, that kind of stuff. Except for the gambas IDE, and bash shell scripts and tools. But even with that, I'd be willing to give it a shot to make a simple user interface to make managing this thing as simple as IIS6 and the local users and groups is on windows. I mean ideally someone would just finish their webmin module but I've got what I've got.

What I need from you guys:

All the command line stuff you know to manage things.

-Add/Delete New user

-Add/Delete New mailbox


It's practically faster for me to make the program than figure this stuff out.


I am trying to solve this also. Not from the position of writing the interface but of finding one that someone has done. As well as looking at SOGo I am also looking at z-push. This can be integrated with a server running Debian and ISPConfig. However z-push only works with mobile devices and not Outlook.

It is a bit of a nightmare making a good solution. Zentyal comes with Zarafa which has z-push but you don't get native Outlook compatibility and need a licensed connector to install into Outlook.


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