2013-08-23 08:50 keltezéssel, Jan-Frode Myklebust írta:
On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 11:49:04PM +0200, Szládovics Péter wrote:
2013-08-21 23:21 keltezéssel, Jan-Frode Myklebust írta:
On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 01:23:45PM +0200, Szládovics Péter wrote:
SOGo is not a mailserver. SOGo just an groupware extension for _any_
mailserver backend.
So, the question is not the antivirus and antispam for SOGo. The
question is antivirus and antispam for mailserver.
Antispam has a place in SOGo too. I'd like to have an interface for the
users to select how strict the spam-filter should be by integrating
with sieve-spamtest/rfc5235.

Maybe a "block sender" function, that pushes out a sieve script to the
server to drop/move-to-Spam messages from a given sender.

Also it would be nice if the SOGo webinterface had a Spam/not-spam
button that would move messages to/from the Spam-folder. This could be
used by http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Plugins/Antispam to train the filter.
Block senders?
How many senders need to block for correct spam filtering.
One node of one zombie network sends about 100 thousand spam emails
per day with randomly generated senders. Are you sure, you can
stopped them with this feature? I don't think so.
Blocking sender is a helpfull feature against other kinds of spam than
zombie networks.. F.ex. real businesses that picked up your email
address during a website registration, and thinks that that's an
invitation to be put on their advertising list.

Yes, it's true. Some senders can send unwanted advertisements to common email addresses (dom...@domain.tld, i...@domain.tld, etc.) as legal. These senders usually send emails with correct content, so filtering these we need to use 'Block Senders' like tools - eg. blacklists on postfix side, if we need to block them as systemwide.

My mail host gets about 250-300 clean, real mails per day (total
incoming mail traffic is about 2000 mails/day - yes, 80-90% of them
are absolutely spam).
We deliver about 500.000 supposedly clean mails/day to our users
inboxes, after virus/spam/greylisting/etc has done it's thing.

This is the point. :)
I thonk: you use _only_ 'block senders' tool for filtering spams. Apologize, I misunderstood your words.

The SA drops 5-10 mails into the quarantine per day (newsletters,
advertisements, badly formatted mail contents - really spams, very
rarely few false positive good mails).
On our scale, managing a single quarantine doesn't really work, so we
rather deliver the suspect messages to the users Spam-folder and give
them an opportunity to check for false positives.

All of others are back off to senders.
Be careful with that, so you don't get on the backscatter lists..

I mean - these mails are rejected not answered.

The successful fight with spams there is at the gate, not at the mailbox.
At the gate we can do general filtering, but we can't train a general
filter to suit 100K's of users. A spam-filter individually trained (and
customized) by each user can be much more effective. Training can be
done by moving messages to/from Spam-folders, customisations can include
blocking senders, or tuning spam-score.

Ok, understood. I know my home system is little, it was just an example about rates.

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