
as it is integrated into WordPress without having to write it in PHP, it looks 
pretty ugly and is very site-specific (Perl CGI and JavaScript wrapping 
WordPress). But you are free to link to it and pass „?dom=tanso.net“ so it is 
easier for your users. If you want any special feature that might also be 
useful for others, please let me know.


Am 08.11.2013 um 22:59 schrieb Jan-Frode Myklebust <janfr...@tanso.net>:
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 04:49:46PM +0100, Marcel Waldvogel wrote:
>> I currently do not have any plans to open-source the code, as it requires 
>> quite a bit of configuration around it and the code is not pretty. But the 
>> best of it: you can perfectly well use it as a web service by passing it all 
>> the parameters.
> I just stumbled over your blog post and configuration page, and very
> much would like to create something similar for our users. Could you
> please share a bit about what's happening behind the
> https://netfuture.ch/tools/autoconfiguration/ page? Are you using any
> standard tools for generating the XML? And how does the SSL signing work
> here?
>    -jf

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