On 3/27/2014 11:53 AM, pw wrote:
> Hi,
> I configured thundebird with SOGo Connector Thunderbird extension in
> order to use my list of contacts (available on a owncloud server) inside
> thunderbird.
> It works well. The only problem is thunderbird ask me at every startup
> the password to check change inside my contacts. And there is no way to
> tell him to remmember this password (see the attached screenshot).
> I'm not sure it is SOgo related but, in doubt, I ask to the list.
> bye,
> pw
> P-S : Sogo connector 24.0.4 and thunderbird (icedove on debian) 24.4.0.

It doesn't seem to be a SOGo issue, as you are using OwnCloud to store
your contacts.

However, I have seen the password prompt show up a few times in
Thunderbird (on Win7) without the "remember" checkbox.  Sometimes when I
hit cancel, it eventually offers me a window with the "remember" checkbox.

A quick search shows the following possibility:


You may also want to consider installing the "StartupMaster" add-on
(currently version 1.6) which will keep you from being prompted multiple
times for the password to your security vault.

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